Oooh, I forgot philately
Some cool words. Say them with me:
Elephant/heffalump (both equally as good)
Isn't the English language fantastic? Although I once heard a middle aged man from the East End teaching his grandson how to pronounce Ambulance. Airm-ber-lunts, he kept repeating. And I hate seeing mis-spelled menus, or worse, books. We are an ignorant mob, no matter how many times we read Eats, Shoots and Leaves. I was asked how to spell pirouette the other day, and without writing it down I struggled personfully with the idea that it should have an H in it somewhere. And is it an aitch or a haitch? I'm an aitcher, personally. And what's with onvelope? Is it spelled with an O? So why pronounce it like that? The versatility and diversity of our language is a lesson for all those who would prevent cultural blending. It
really can work and you end up with something that can be cumbersome, can be messy, but can also be beautiful and evocative, educational and wonderous. Sadly, people aren't words and could be described as more complex than a Latin declension, so my argument falls down. Ah well, it was a nice excuse to celebrate our underrated tongue (and to use the word tongue)
I always have been a fan of using the tongue wherever possible.
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