
Thursday, October 07, 2004


Ooops. For someone who is both skint and trying to finance a new house I’m doing pretty well at spending what I don’t have. My mobile phone broke last night. The screen just went blue and stayed blue. Poor wee thing. So I flung it in a corner and went out to buy a new one today. A very cool one with all sorts of gizmos I’ll never learn how to use. And while I was there I bought a watch I’d had my eye on for a while. This may seem like impulse buying to the uninitiated, but trust me, it’s not. I’m allergic to any metal that contains traces of nickel, and most do. Which means that I can only buy watches that are entirely stainless steel or entirely titanium. Stainless steel is the cheaper option but they tend to let nickel creep in on the winders or the buckles if the strap is leather. So Titanium is the way forward. Seen many? No. That’s because there aren’t many. And the ones that do exist are horrifically expensive for a person who renews her watch every year or so. So if I see one I tend to snap it up. So what if my credit card is now smoking slightly? That’s what they’re for, isn’t it? To cheer you up when you’re feeling stressed. About money. Everything in nature is cyclical. Viciously so.


At 7 October 2004 at 19:31, Blogger Brock said...

Bad badger.

If you could see me now you would see a scary frown of disapproval.

Why didn't you just get your phone fixed? It's about £20 for a new screen. I bet you paid more than that for your new one...

/end grown up bit

Whaddyaget?Whaddyaget? Is it shiny? What extra buttons does it have? Eh? Eh? Tell all!!!111

At 7 October 2004 at 21:15, Blogger badgerbadger said...

It's so cool! It's a Nokia 6230. VERY fast, video, camera, the works. And it's all black and sinister. Much more scary than your frown. Yay!


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