Moving on. I keep meaning to take control of my finances but it never seems to happen. I think I have an idea of what's in my account and then I go to check it and I'm dead wrong. I'm always optimistic, too, which means that I dread checking my account because I'm always disappointed. I should either check it more often or less often. Money is just wrong. I feel that somehow we are missing the point. Don't you? Our lives seem so pointless. Who cares if you have a 'good' job or a nice car. Or even a crappy car, come to that. The point of life should not be to earn money to go drinking or watching films or playing bingo. The point, surely, should be more profound? Bringing up children is a biological imperative that we should have surpassed by now. Art, poetry, literature. They all mean less than nothing. The human race seems to be shooting off in all directions except anything meaningful. Our evolution is purely physical. Why haven't we discovered how to use that vast portion of our brains that remains idle? We should be able to do all sorts of things by now that 'progress' has made redundant. Why learn how to teleport when we have cars and aircraft? Why learn telepathy when we have mobile phones glued to our ears? We MUST be on the brink of an epiphany. Something, some event, that shows us the way forward. How do we reach heaven? Why do we know so little about life after death? Is there such a thing as magic? And if so, what's the point of it? Perhaps a disaster on the scale of the meteor that killed the dinosaurs will focus our attention, bring us all together and make us WAKE UP!
I'm of the mind that the content of life is as profound as you want it to be.
Some people are complacent with their shitty cars and monotonous jobs and 2.4 children. Some people are never happy with their £6,000 a month and two Jaguars and butler and chef. Others are happy with their paddy field, mud hut and (in our eyes) meagre existence.
People are fickle creatures.
This just means you want more from your life *hugs*
Go get it! Just don't expect the rest of humanity to do the same =o]
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