
Thursday, October 21, 2004


t really is self-indulgent, this. You have to blog for yourself, but in the (slim) hope that somebody (anybody) will want to read what you have to say. Any why should they? They are presumably writing their own worlds and have no need of ramblings from yours to clutter and pollute what passes for their thought-processes. You might read somebody's blog and think it funny or quirky or interesting, but why should you want to continue to read it regularly. Surely their head candy is no sweeter then yours? Often a lot more sour.

On the other hand I adore reading my friends' blogs. One friend, who shall be known as qwerty-face - she has a propensity for falling asleep on the keyboard - writes intermittently but blindingly. The stream-of consciousness approach replicates her speech patterns exactly and her quirky sense of humour never fails to amuse. Another friend uses blogging as a way to clarify thoughts and express them honestly and creatively, a trait I admire tremendously. Yet another uses blogspot as an outlet for what is clearly life- rage. His ravings are furiously funny and his observations are sharp and witty.


At 21 October 2004 at 21:24, Blogger badgerbadger said...

Hmm, I think I see your point... don't worry, be happy, no? Excellent advice. I shall stop fretting and just enjoy rambling. :o)

At 22 October 2004 at 16:20, Blogger Brock said...

Ahhh. Rambling. The true vocation of the old and infirm...


(and I rock your world, it would seem. Woo me!)

At 22 October 2004 at 18:49, Blogger fairyhedgehog said...

I don't read many blogs by other people. Only ones that are witty, entertaining and amusing.



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