
Friday, October 29, 2004

There's a mouse on my keyboard!

Bored. I actually had to ask the girl who's going to be my boss (when her boss leaves she is moving up and I will take her position) whether there will be enough work for me. She assured me there would, but at the moment I'm bored out of my tiny mind. I can't work out whether I should feel smug because I'm getting paid for doing next to nothing, or whether I should be annoyed because there are so many better things I could be doing with my time than trying to look busy in a stuffy office. Although, as anyone who knows me would testify, I would probably end up doing nothing and most probably sleeping. But I do it so well, it's a shame not to take advantage of one of my few real skills. I dream loads, too, and rarely want to wake up, no matter how weird the dream. I find I want to keep it going to find out stuff. Answers to life the universe and everything, I suppose. There is always the slim hope that, like on Nightmare on Elm Street, I can bring back stuff from my dreams. Like a big bag of money. That would be handy right about now.

I went to see Shark Tale last night with Boxylady and a couple of other lovely ladies. It was alright. Quite funny, but not in the same league as Shrek or Nemo. I'm looking forward to The Incredibles coming out. Apparently it's the best animation ever made. We'll see.

See? So bored that I can't think of anything to write. Idleness breeds laziness.

I've found a course I want to do, but it might be out of my league. I've emailed the course tutor to find out if my qualifications are good enough to get me on it, but I haven't heard back. It doesn't start til next March so I have plenty of time, but I'd like to know so I can start planning and reading etc. If I get in and if I pass my dad might finally be proud of me. His daughter, an MSc! Not some namby-pamby humanities degree, a proper Masters in science! Even if it is in Renewable Energy Sources and other such veggie rubbish. Pretty scary that I'm even considering committing to two years of anything. Not like me at all. Maybe I'm growing up. Har har.

I'm a little hard of thinking these days. I find that without my thinking cap I can't get anything done. However, I've left it under the bed and the dust bunnies have eaten it. So, I'll either have to eat them in order to consume the thinking-cap as well, or try and find a new one. I'm not sure what dire circumstances I'll have to put myself through in order to succeed on my quest, but neither dragon's fire nor witches breath will put me off. I do have a bit of a bunion though, so I might leave it til next week.


At 30 October 2004 at 14:49, Blogger Brock said...

See, thinking caps are outdated, don't discount the advances in modern technology. Recently brought onto the market have been:

"Top Hats of Deep Contemplation"

These very seriously rock, and you should try one.

At 2 November 2004 at 12:35, Blogger Noely Noel said...

I'd suggest a trawl of the charity shops for the lesser-known Trilby of Deliberation and Rumination.

Slightly more stylish than a top hat.


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